NBCOT Certification
Renewal Handbook
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Certication Renewal
NBCOT® certification programs are accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) under their
Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs.
NBCOT has also been awarded accreditation by the International Accreditation Service (IAS) for demonstrating
compliance with ISO/IEC Standard 17024:2012, Conformity Assessment – General Requirements for Bodies Operating
Certification of Persons.
NBCOT does not discriminate against any individual because of race, ethnicity, gender, age, creed, disability, religion, marital
status, sexual orientation, or national origin. NBCOT reserves the right to amend the procedures outlined in this handbook. All
documentation submitted to NBCOT, for any reason, becomes the property of the organization. This includes but is not limited to:
certification eligibility, initial certification, certification renewal, reinstatement, disciplinary action, international regulatory aairs
or other NBCOT matters. For the most up-to-date information/announcements concerning NBCOT certification, please visit www.
nbcot.org, or contact us via phone at: 301-990-7979.
AOTCB/NBCOT Exams ID 46 rev041924
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission of the copyright owners.
©2024 National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc.
’ is a service and trademark of the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc.
’ is a service and trademark of the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc.
’ is a service and trademark of the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc.
All marks are registered in the United States of America.
National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc.
One Bank Street, Suite 300
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Printed in the United States of America.
Personnel Certication
Page 2
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................... 4
About NBCOT ....................................... 4
About This Handbook .............................. 4
Certication Renewal ................................. 4
Your Credential Status ................................ 5
When to Renew Your Certication ................... 5
Certication Renewal Requirements & Tools ....... 5
Accruing the Certication
Renewal Requirements ............................ 5
How to Convert Units to PDU ...................... 6
NBCOT Navigator® .................................... 6
Navigator Tools ...................................... 7
NBCOT Certicant Attestation ...................... 7
NBCOT Practice Standards/Code of Conduct ..... 8
The Renewal Application ............................ 10
How to Renew your Certication ................... 10
Renewing Within Renewal Year ................... 10
The Reinstatement Process ......................... 10
Renewing Within One Missed Renewal Period .. 10
Renewing After Two Missed Renewal Periods ... 11
Fee Schedule at a Glance ............................. 11
After You Renew Your Certication ................. 12
Page 3
Certication Renewal Audit ......................... 12
Active-Duty Military Personnel ..................... 12
Special Circumstance ............................... 13
Appeals Procedures ................................. 13
Certication Information and Updates ............. 13
Still Have Questions? ................................ 13
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The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc. (NBCOT
) is the national certification body
for occupational therapy professionals in the United States.
NBCOT strives to serve the public interest in its diversity by advancing just, equitable, and inclusive
client care and professional practice through evidence-based certification practices and the validation
of knowledge essential for eective and safe practice in occupational therapy. NBCOT’s vision is certified
occupational therapy professionals providing just, equitable, inclusive, and eective evidence-based
services across all areas of practice worldwide.
Currently, 50 states, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia require NBCOT initial certification for
occupational therapy state regulation (e.g., licensing).
NBCOT® certification programs are accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA)
under their Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs. NBCOT has also been awarded
accreditation by the International Accreditation Service (IAS) for demonstrating compliance with ISO/IEC
Standard 17024:2012, Conformity Assessment – General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification of
About This Handbook
This handbook has been developed to provide you with the information you will need to renew your NBCOT
certification. NBCOT recognizes the responsibility certificants assume when renewing their certification and
our aim is to provide a smooth and positive renewal experience. If you have further questions aer reading
this handbook, please visit www.nbcot.org, email recert@nbcot.org, or phone (301) 990-7979.
Certication Renewal
Initial certification is just the beginning of your professional journey with NBCOT. Underpinning our
mission to serve the public interest, it is our belief that certification is a lifelong tool for the continuous
professional development of the nationally certified occupational therapy practitioner. We are a resource
for your professional development throughout your career, oering you the tools you need to advance your
competence and prepare for new professional challenges.
Certification renewal recognizes that you, the Occupational Therapist Registered (OTR®) or Certified
Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA®), have met a national standard for professionalism and promotes
continued professional development. We believe that continually supporting your practice has long-term
benefits for all stakeholders.
By completing all certification renewal requirements by your scheduled renewal date, you will be granted
Active in Good Standing certification status for a three year period. The certification renewal season occurs
between January and March annually.
The certification renewal requirement and tools were developed using the NBCOT Ongoing Professional
Practice Content Outline with input from key stakeholder groups including practitioners, employers, and
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Your Credential Status
Active in Good Standing: Individuals currently certified with NBCOT and who have met the certification
renewal requirements are Active in Good Standing. These individuals can identify themselves to the public
as an OTR or COTA. These individuals can use the OTR or COTA credential aer their name.
Retired in Good Standing: OTR and COTA certificants who are Active in Good Standing with NBCOT can
request their certification status be changed to Retired in Good Standing. Certificants MUST notify NBCOT
of this status change and submit a Retired in Good Standing request. Once the request has been processed,
retired certificants can identify themselves to the public as an OTR, Retired or COTA, Retired. These
individuals can use “OTR, Retired” or “COTA, Retired” aer their name.
Expired: Individuals who do not satisfy the NBCOT certification renewal requirement by their scheduled
renewal date are Expired and CANNOT 1) identify themselves to the public as an OTR or COTA or 2) use the
OTR or COTA credential aer their name.
When to Renew Your Certication
Certificants who complete all certification renewal requirements by their scheduled renewal date will
be granted Active in Good Standing certification status for a three-year period. The certification renewal
season occurs between January and March annually, regardless of the month indicated on the certificant’s
initial certification document. Certificants who do not submit their certification renewal application by the
scheduled renewal date will have their certification status changed to Expired. An individual who has an
Expired certification cannot use the OTR or COTA certification marks.
Certication Renewal Requirements
& Tools
Accruing the Certication Renewal
Certificants must accrue at least 36 units during their renewal cycle. Units can be obtained through a
combination of competency assessment units (CAUs) and/or professional development units (PDUs).
Accepted activity types are listed on the Certification Renewal Activities Chart.
Certificants who renewed their certification in 2021 are permitted to carry over up to 10 units earned during
their 2018–2021 renewal cycle, provided that the 10 units were in excess of the 36 units required for their
2021 certification renewal.
If audited, certificants must provide documentation from the previous cycle (2018–2021) to show the excess
units being carried forward.
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How to Convert Units to PDU
Continuing Education Units (CEU) and contact hours can be converted into PDU as described below.
Certificants can convert CEU to PDU using the PDU Calculator available through their MyNBCOT account
under Renewal Log.
1 contact hour (not to include meals or breaks) = 1 PDU
1 clock hour (not to include meals or breaks) = 1 PDU
0.1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) = 1 PDU
One contact hour earned through successfully completed education (workshops, seminars, online
courses, or conferences) with an assessment component at the end of the program (scored test
project, paper) = 1.25 PDU
1 Competency Assessment Unit (CAU) = 1 Contact Hour or 1 PDU
Please Note: NBCOT adheres to the CEU definition defined by the International Association for
Continuing Education and Training (IACET) of 1 CEU = 10 Contact Hours.
NBCOT Navigator®
Navigator is a virtual platform housing a web-based assessment delivery engine and certificant dashboard.
The platform is designed to interface with a series of tools to support certificants’ continued competency.
Through the platform, certificants can identify and access resources related to specific practice areas,
receive feedback and track performance on an array of assessment tools, and organize documentation of
completed continuing competency.
NBCOT enables occupational therapy professionals to earn competency assessment units (CAUs) toward
their certification renewal requirements. These interactive tools are also designed to help employers
facilitate the ongoing continuing competency and certification process of their occupational therapists and
therapy assistants.
Certificants can access Navigator through their MyNBCOT account on www.nbcot.org. Occupational
therapists and therapy assistants can use the tool suite to prepare for certification renewal, accrue CAU, and
stay current in their practice areas year-round.
Navigator highlights 15 dierent primary practice areas:
Acute Care
Administration and/or Management
Developmental Disability
Geriatrics/Productive Aging
Health and Wellness
Home Health
Mental Health
OT Education and/or Research
Pediatrics (clinic-based, early intervention)
Pediatrics (school system)
Rehabilitation (inpatient)
Rehabilitation (outpatient)
Skilled Nursing
Work and Industry
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Navigator Tools
Case Simulations
Mini Practice Quizzes
Orthotic Builder
OT Knowledge Library
Physical Agent Modalities (PAMs) — OTR Only
At the end of every tool, a customized feedback report and recommended reading list are shown.
Units earned through Navigator are also accepted by the following states toward their
licensure requirements.
NBCOT Certicant Attestation
Below is the complete attestation statement to which a certificant must agree and sign in order to renew
their certification.
By my signature, I attest that the information I submit in this application and in any required accompanying
or subsequent documentation is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Additionally, I understand
that persons who apply for certification as an OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST REGISTERED OTR
, or persons who have been certified by NBCOT, are subject to
NBCOT’s Procedures for the Enforcement of the NBCOT’s Candidate/Certificant Code of Conduct.
I understand NBCOT reserves the right to not accept or delay approval of this application. I also understand
that I may be subject to audit at any time and that NBCOT reserves the right to take action for failure to
comply with the audit procedures.
In order to maintain my certification, I understand that from time-to-time NBCOT may amend its
requirements, policies, and procedures to include: initial certification, certification renewal, and Procedures
for the Enforcement of the Candidate/Certificant Code of Conduct.
I agree to disclose any criminal, legal, or other disciplinary matters within sixty (60) days of any such matter
per the NBCOT Candidate/Certificant Code of Conduct.
I also agree to notify NBCOT in writing of any address or name change(s) within thirty (30) days aer the
change becomes eective. If requested to do so, NBCOT may verify my certification status.
I attest that I have completed all certification renewal requirements.
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NBCOT Practice Standards/Code of
NBCOT has a responsibility to promote and maintain standards of professional conduct in the practice of
occupational therapy. In order to protect the public, those applying for NBCOT certification must abide by
the code of conduct.
Certificants or certification applicants who do not meet the code of conduct standards are subject to the
Procedures for the Enforcement of the NBCOT Code of Conduct. These procedures enable NBCOT to protect
the rights of candidates and certificants while upholding NBCOT’s responsibilities as a certifying agency to
the public.
The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc. (“NBCOT,” formerly known as “AOTCB”) is
a professional organization that supports and promotes occupational therapy practitioner certification. This
Candidate/Certificant Code of Conduct enables NBCOT to define and clarify the standards of personal and
professional conduct required for eligibility for both initial and continued certification, i.e., OCCUPATIONAL
COTA® (COTA) henceforth COTA. Where the term “certificant is used, the term “applicant or candidate” is
included in its scope.
It is vital that NBCOT certificants conduct their work in a professional manner to earn and maintain the
confidence and respect of recipients of occupational therapy, colleagues, employers, students, and the
As certified professionals in the field of occupational therapy, NBCOT certificants will at all times act with
integrity; adhere to high standards for personal and professional conduct; accept responsibility for their
actions, both personally and professionally; continually seek to enhance their professional capabilities;
practice in a competent, fair, honest, equitable, and just manner; abide by all federal, state, and local
laws and regulations; and encourage others to act in a professional manner consistent with the practice
standards and responsibilities set forth below.
Principle 1
Certificants shall provide accurate, truthful, and timely representations to NBCOT, including, but not limited
The submission of information on the exam application, certification renewal applications,
or the renewal audit form;
Answers to character review questions and, once certified, the disclosure of any criminal,
legal, or other disciplinary matters within 60 days of any such matter;
The submission of information requested by NBCOT for alleged violations of NBCOT’s
policies, requirements, and standards. Certificants shall cooperate with NBCOT concerning
investigations and requests for relevant information; and
The submission of information regarding her/his/their credential(s), professional license(s),
and/or education.
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Principle 2
Certificants shall abide by all exam-related security policies including, but not limited to, those involving
copying or removing exam content and accessing prohibited devices or materials during their exam.
Principle 3
Certificants shall be accurate, truthful, and complete in any and all communications, direct or indirect, with
any client, employer, regulatory agency, or other parties as they relate to their professional work, education,
professional credentials, research and contributions to the field of occupational therapy.
Principle 4
Certificants shall comply with state and/or federal laws, regulations, and statutes governing the practice of
occupational therapy.
Principle 5
Certificants shall not have been convicted of a serious crime.
Principle 6
Certificants shall not engage in behavior or conduct, lawful or otherwise that causes them to be, or
reasonably perceived to be, a threat or potential threat to the health, well-being, or safety of recipients or
potential recipients of occupational therapy services.
Principle 7
Certificants shall not engage in the practice of occupational therapy while one’s ability to practice is
impaired due to chemical (i.e., legal and/or illegal) drug or alcohol abuse.
Principle 8
Certificants shall not electronically post personal health information or anything, including photos, that
may reveal a patient’s/client’s identity or personal or therapeutic relationship, without the patient’s/
client’s written consent. (All statements, regardless of intent, about a patient/client can potentially contain
suicient information for a member of a community to recognize the patient/client thus, violating the state
and/or federal law (i.e. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)).
Principle 9
Certificants shall not misuse NBCOT’s intellectual property, certification marks, logos, or other copyrighted
materials. This includes all NBCOT exam preparation tools, website or exam content. Disclosure of practice
test questions or examination material content, including examination questions, is strictly prohibited.
Approved June 2002
Revised February 2003
Revised June 2006
Revised October 2008
Revised January 2010
Revised November 2011
Revised October 2013
Revised February 2014
Revised March 2014
Revised October 2016
Revised June 2018
Revised July 2020
Revised March 2021
Revised July 2022
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The Renewal Application
The application consists of five sections:
1. Background information: The certificant must enter all information requested related to their
background. They may also request a name change, if needed.
2. Character review: The certificant must answer all of the questions listed under the character review
section. If a certificant answers “Yes” to any of the questions, they will be contacted for additional
information as a review must be completed before the renewal application may be approved.
3. Renewal information: The certificant must verify that they have completed the renewal requirements
within the last three years. They will also need to choose one primary area of practice and indicate the
number of units that directly relate to that area.
4. Practice information: The certificant will answer questions pertaining to their practice.
5. Signature and attestation: The certificant must read, sign, and date the attestation statement.
How to Renew your Certication
Renewing Within Renewal Year
In order for certificants to renew their certification within their renewal year, they must complete the
1. Fulfill the requirement of 36 units.
2. Read and agree to abide by the NBCOT Certificant Attestation.
3. Complete the online renewal application or mail in a paper renewal application.
4. Pay the associated fees.
The Reinstatement Process
Certificants who do not renew their certification within their renewal year must apply for reinstatement
and be approved prior to using the OTR or COTA credential. The Reinstatement of Certification Renewal
application is available to Expired certificants in their MyNBCOT account.
Sally renewed her certication on time in 2017. At the end of 2019, Sally elects to take a career
break and decides not to renew her certication when it is due in 2020. In January 2023, she
wishes to renew her certication. To renew, she would have to do the following:
Attain at least 30 units within the last three years from any category listed under the Professional
Development Activities section of the NBCOT Certification Renewal Activities Chart.
Complete the G
eneral Practice Self-Assessment and print off the score report page.
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Submit the completed Reinstatement of Certification Application and chart, the Self-Assessment score
page, copies of the verification documentation that support the activities listed on the chart, and the
fee of $125.
Aer the application, documentation, and payment have been received, NBCOT will grant access to the
NBCOT Navigator®.
Complete six competency assessment units (CAUs) through Navigator.
Once the six CAUs have been completed, the appliation will be reviewed.
Brian does not renew his certication when it is due in 2020. In July 2024, Brian wishes to
renew his certication. To renew, he would have to do the following:
Attain at least 12 units from ID #s 19, 20, and/or 22 on the NBCOT Certification Renewal Activities Chart.
Attain at least 12 units from any of the categories listed under the Professional Development Activities
section on the NBCOT Certification Renewal Activities Chart.
Submit a completed Reinstatement of Certification Renewal Application and reinstatement chart, copies
of verification documentation that support the activities listed on the chart, and the fee of $175.
Aer the application, documentation, and payment have been received, NBCOT will grant access to the
NBCOT Navigator®.
Complete 12 competency assessment units (CAUs) through Navigator.
Once the 12 CAUs have been completed, the application will be reviewed.
Beginning January 1, 2027, any individual who has allowed their certification to lapse for three
or more cycles must complete the following steps to reinstate their certification with NBCOT:
Submit a completed Reinstatement of Certification Examination application and the fee of
Undergo a background check.
Pass the current entry-level NBCOT certification examination.
A reinstatement application is valid for four months from date of initial submission. NBCOT will notify the
certificant within 20 business days of receipt of the completed application on the status. If the application
is not approved, the certificant will be advised of the deficiencies and the measures available for rectifying
them. Applicants who do not address the deficiencies within that time will need to submit a new
reinstatement application and fee in order to complete the renewal process. Note: The original application
fee is non-refundable.
Fee Schedule at a Glance
Online Certification Renewal Fee — $65
Paper Certification Renewal Fee — $75
Late Fee (applications submitted AFTER March 31 of the scheduled renewal year) — $25
Reinstatement of Certification Renewal Application Fee (within one missed renewal cycle) — $125
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Reinstatement of Certification Renewal Application Fee (outside one missed renewal cycle) — $175
Returned Check Fee — $35
Credit Card Challenge — $35
Application Withdrawal Processing Fee — $40
All fees are non-refundable. Certificants submitting their renewal application AFTER the
scheduled renewal date will automatically be charged a late fee. It is the certificant’s
responsibility to know their certification renewal date.
After You Renew Your Certication
Certificants may check their renewal status online at any time by logging into their MyNBCOT account.
Within three weeks of renewing, certificants will receive an email with information on how to access/
download their digital certificate, badge, and wallet card. Certificants who do not receive this email within
this time frame should contact NBCOT at rec[email protected]. The email should include the certificant’s full
name, certification number, and the email address associated with their MyNBCOT account.
Certication Renewal Audit
All OTR and COTA certificants who renew their NBCOT certification are subject to a random audit of their
compliance with the professional development requirements. The number of certificants audited will be
suicient to provide a 95% confidence level regarding the renewal rate of OTR and COTA certificants. To
complete the audit successfully, the certificant must submit evidence of attaining 36 units. Certificants
should maintain all of their documentation for one full year aer renewing their certification in the event
that they are audited.
Any certificant who is selected and does not successfully complete the audit will have their certification
status changed to Expired. Expired certification means an individual cannot use the OTR or COTA
certification marks. In order to regain certification, a reinstatement application would need to be submitted.
(See page 10.)
Active-Duty Military Personnel
Active-duty military personnel who experience diiculties fulfilling the NBCOT certification renewal
requirements while serving on long-term deployments overseas are urged to contact the NBCOT
Certification Renewal Department for assistance at r[email protected]g.
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Special Circumstance
Certification renewal candidates who have experienced exceptional personal or medical circumstances
impacting the ability to accrue units during the renewal cycle should contact NBCOT before March 31
of their
renewal year. NBCOT will review requests for renewal with special circumstance on a case-by-case basis.
Please send an email to recert@nbcot.org with a brief explanation outlining the reason(s) for your request.
Appeals Procedures
If, upon submitting a renewal application, NBCOT determines that an applicant has not met the certification
renewal requirements—including the submission of incomplete or non-recognized PDU—the applicant has
the right to appeal. Within 30 days from receipt of the non-renewal notification, the applicant may submit a
letter of appeal. The letter must outline the grounds for the appeal, including the reason(s) the application
should be recognized and accepted by NBCOT.
Appeals should be sent via traceable mail (i.e., certified, UPS, FedEx) to:
Attn: Certification Renewal Appeal
One Bank Street, Suite 300
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Certication Information and
In order to stay informed about the latest certification renewal information, it is the certificant’s
responsibility to keep their mailing and email addresses updated with NBCOT. Any changes to contact
information should be updated through the certificant’s MyNBCOT account.
Still Have Questions?
Additional information and resources on the certification renewal process can be found at nbcot.org/
certification. Any additional questions can be directed to recert@nbcot.org.