Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM
This policy is valid on/after 01 JAN 2024 and remains valid until further notice. Air France and
KLM reserves the right to adjust this document at any time.
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
5.1 BSP & ASD 17
5.2 ARC 17
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
1 Introduction
With the “Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM policy”, Air France and KLM provide
booking and ticketing rules and definitions for individual and group sales. This policy is issued to
support agents in their booking process and should help agents to avoid errors and keep
inventory available for future sales.
This policy applies to all travel service providers including travel agents, online travel agents
and any person or entity accessing Air France and KLM inventory via internet or any other
electronic means. The travel agent must ensure that all its employees in all of its locations are
made aware of this policy and of its future amendments.
The booking policy is related to a PNR/Order, the flight segments booked and related additional
supporting elements and information. The ticketing policy covers sales, issuances of fares and
documents, exchanges, voiding, refunds and other related topics. For group bookings and
ticketing, other policies and restrictions may apply.
Air France and KLM manage their sales in an optimal manner. This way, more seat availability
can be given, and it eases the check-in process for our customers when bookings, tickets and
EMDs are processed correctly.
Air France and KLM audit all transactions. Through this audit, a check is done to see if the
transactions are made according to this policy. Non-compliance with the “Air France and KLM
Booking, Ticketing & ADM policy” can lead to cancelled reservations without any warning
(notice), penalties, Agent Debit Memos (ADMs) or invoices. Repeated violations of this policy
and/or failure to pay outstanding fees and/or ADMs can result in the loss of access to view,
book and ticket from the Air France and KLM inventories.
The “Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM policy” complies with the IATA resolutions,
which also cover the obligations of travel agencies. Air France and KLM can update this policy
without any prior notice.
2 ADM minimum amounts and administrative fees
2.1 ADM minimum amount
In case of ADM related to surcharges, commissions, taxes and fees, a minimum of EUR 1 (or
equivalent in local currency) applies. For other reasons, no ADM below EUR 8 (Or equivalent in
local currency) is sent.
In case of persistent practices of under collection (multiple occurrences of underpayments
regardless the amount, by the same IATA), Air France and KLM reserve the right to recover
these underpayments by sending an ADM. No ADM minimum amount applies in this case.
2.2 Administrative fees
To cover audit process cost, a fixed amount of EUR 25 (or equivalent in local currency) is
added to each ADM equal or greater than EUR 8 (or equivalent in local currency) except for:
ADM on missing information
ADM on non-compliancy with the Booking Policy (listed § 3)
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
3 Booking Policy & ADM amounts
The purpose of this section is to provide additional transparency and definition to the Air France
and KLM booking policy.
To ensure inventory integrity and to avoid circumvention of inventory steering controls.
To avoid GDS costs brought on by unproductive and inefficient activity.
To maintain and respect efficient cooperation between trades and airlines.
Compliance to the Booking Policy
An ADM is due even if the booking was cancelled before or after flight departure date. In case a
ticket is involved, the ADM is sent to the ticketing agent. In case no ticket is involved, the ADM
will be raised to the original agent making the booking.
Travel agents must comply with Booking Policy when Air France and KLM flights are booked
regardless as marketing and/or operating carrier.
3.1 Creation and Modification of a Passenger Name Record (PNR)
When a PNR is created or when changes to an existing PNR are made, the itinerary must be
booked in sequence of travel times to respect at any time the actual Point of Commencement
(PoC) of the customer’s journey. It is mandatory to use full O&D availability, regardless of
whether the reservation only involves AF or KL flights and/or includes codeshare or other airline
flights as well. The selected O&D availability must reflect and secure authorized Minimum
Connecting Times.
3.2 Contact details
In accordance with the terms of resolution IATA 830d and in order to allow Air France and KLM
to advise the passenger of irregular flights operations, the travel agent must imperatively
indicate the passenger's contact details (mobile phone and / or email address) in the
PNR/Order in the form of a SSR CTCE (email) and SSR CTCM (Mobile phone number).
In this respect, the travel agent must ensure that the passenger's consent is obtained in
compliance with all applicable data protection regulations. The travel agent must inform the
passenger that failure to transmit said contact details to Air France and KLM, will lead to
passenger not being able to be provided with information related to irregular flights operations.
In the event the passenger exercises his right not to provide his contact details then it is
incumbent on the travel agent to indicate that the passenger has declined to provide such
contact details and to enter the refusal (in a SSR CTCR (Refused) remark) in the PNR/Order in
order to limit any liability provided for by laws and regulations for the Carriers.
In all cases where the passenger's contact details are completely missing or incorrectly entered
in the PNR/Order and in the absence of any indication that the passenger has exercised his
right not to provide his contact details, then a fixed amount per passenger is charged and ADM
- EUR 25 (or equivalent in local currency).
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
In case of litigation with a passenger arising out of missing or incorrect contact details in the
PNR/Order and in the absence of any indication that the passenger has exercised his right not
to provide his contact details and the Carrier is unable to advise passengers of irregular flight
operations, then a fixed amount will be charged per concerned passenger and ADM issued:
- EUR 630 (or equivalent in local currency).
3.3 Day of departure Un-ticketed bookings
Bookings made within 24 hours before departure must be ticketed instantly.
All bookings made prior to 24 hours before departure, if required, must be ticketed or cancelled
prior to 24 hours before departure.
If for ticketing purposes PNR claim is needed, it must take place prior to 24 hours before
When tickets are not bought or when customers will no longer travel, segments must be
cancelled to release inventory. Canceled space for one customer cannot be used for another
customer, even if the other customer wants to travel the same itinerary.
All un-ticketed bookings which are not cancelled at least 24h before departure are subject to a
cost recovery fee of EUR 15 (or equivalent in local currency) per segment.
3.4 Cancellations
Air France and KLM want to manage their inventory in an optimal manner so that as many
seats as possible are available for agents. Cancellation ratios will therefore be monitored. A
cancellation ratio above 60% is subject to an investigation and might be subject to an ADM.
If an agent exceeds the defined cancellation ratio, a fixed fee of EUR 0,45 (or equivalent in local
currency) will be charged per segment above the ratio.
3.5 Churning
It is not permitted to repeatedly book and cancel segments across one or more PNRs and/or
GDS’s, within the same booking class or different cabin, with the goal to circumvent or extend
ticketing time limits, hold or gain a better access to inventory or to meet GDS/EDIFACT and/or
NDC aggregators productivity targets. Neither is it permitted to repeatedly issue and void a
ticket to achieve the same. Updates to PNRs and issuance of tickets should correspond solely
to the travel need as expressed by the customer, when it is seen that actions are done on a
frequent basis and only to achieve the aforementioned, this is seen as churning.
In case of a detection of churning within a PNR, a fixed amount per segment and per passenger
is charged whatever the booking or ticketing country:
- EUR 50 (or equivalent in local currency) for Economy, Premium Economy & Premium Comfort
- EUR 125 (or equivalent in local currency) for Business & La Première cabins
3.6 Duplicate Bookings / Segments
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
It is not permitted to book the same customer on several flights on the same day, or on several
consecutive days for the same journey knowing that travel is not possible on all the booked
segments of the possible multiple PNR’s.
Such duplicate PNRs or duplicate segments as part of one or more PNRs and/or GDS’s should
be avoided at any time.
In case of the cancellation by Air France and KLM of duplicate PNRs or duplicate segment, a
fixed amount per passenger and per cancelled segment is charged whatever the booking
- EUR 20 (or equivalent in local currency) for Economy, Premium Economy & Premium Comfort
- EUR 50 (or equivalent in local currency) for Business & La Première cabins
3.7 Fraudulent, Fictitious, Speculative and Test Bookings and Segments
Fraudulent, fictitious, speculative and test bookings and segments are forbidden. These
bookings are usually made, with no intent for travel and are not directly related to a request
from a customer to purchase a ticket.
Bookings for training and testing purposes must be made in the training mode as provided by
the GDS and/or approved by Air France and KLM.
It is not permitted to create numerous and massive non-customer based bookings. Nor is it
permitted to create bookings for fare quote or administrative reasons.
It is not permitted to make reservations which are different from the customer’s actual intended
itinerary by including fictious segments with the aim to undercut the applicable fare. This
includes also booking and issuing of roundtrips for the purpose of one-way use or partial travel
of the O&D booked only, as well as amending itineraries without a customer request. The
customer should at any time be aware of the segments included in the PNR/Order that is used
for its journey.
It is not permitted to create segments and/or PNRs in view of expected demand, to avoid fare
rules, to block airline space without a specific request from a customer or to meet GDS’s
productivity targets.
In case of fraudulent, fictitious, speculative and test bookings, a fixed amount per passenger
and per cancelled segment is charged whatever the booking country:
- EUR 20 (or equivalent in local currency) for Economy, Premium Economy & Premium Comfort
- EUR 50 (or equivalent in local currency) for Business & La Première cabins
In case of fictitious segments included in a ticket of customer, a fixed amount per passenger is
Short-Haul / Medium-haul flights in Economy cabin: EUR 140 (or equivalent in local
currency) per ticket and per passenger
Short-Haul / Medium-haul flights in Business cabin: EUR 320 (or equivalent in local
currency) per ticket and per passenger
Long-haul flights in Economy, Premium Economy & Comfort cabins: EUR 530 (or
equivalent in local currency) per ticket and per passenger
Long-haul flights in Business and La Première cabins: EUR 1 580 (or equivalent in local
currency) per ticket and per passenger.
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
3.8 Distribution Costs Look-to-book ratio
For cost control reasons, travel agents are not permitted to exceed the maximum level of
availability requests on AF and KL inventory systems.
Air France and KLM have defined a ratio corresponding to the number of availability requests
(“looks”) divided by the number of net segments (booked -/-cancelled) on the carrier during a
specific period, hereafter referred to as “look-to-book ratio”.
For bookings made in the GDS/EDIFACT:
The travel agent look-to-book ratio, calculated for Air France and KLM must not exceed a ratio
of 1000 per month.
For NDC bookings:
The travel agent look-to-book ratio, calculated for Air France and KLM must not exceed a ratio
of 1000 per month.
In both cases Air France and KLM will inform the travel agent if the look-to-book ratio in a period
of one (1) month is overpassed. The travel agent is expected to adjust its system settings
immediately, with a remedy period of 1 month, in order to restore its level of availability requests
within the defined ratio.
In case after the remedy period of 1 month the level of availability requests is not restored within
the defined ratio, Air France and KLM will invoice the travel agent by ADM for the excess level
of availability requests. The cost of each extra availability will be charged a fee of EUR 0.0007
per excessive transaction.
For example: Agent has made 500 booking in January. In the same month 200 segments were
cancelled. Total looks in this month is 450.000. Look to book ratio is 450.000 / (500-200) =
1.500. The number of excessive transactions in this period is (1.500-1.000) * 300 net segments
= 150.000
3.9 Group Bookings
It is not permitted to request group bookings when the booking is not directly related to a
request of a customer. Nor is it permitted to create bookings to avoid the group booking
procedures. This includes creation of “hidden groups” by making multiple separate individual
bookings intended as a group booking.
In case of hidden groups, a fixed amount per O&D per ticket is charged:
- EUR 55 (or equivalent in local currency) regardless the ticketing country.
3.10 Inactive Segments
The following status codes are determined by Air France and KLM as inactive bookings: HX,
NO, UC, UN and WK*.
Travel agents should monitor their queues on a daily basis and remove any inactive segments
immediately from the PNR.
All inactive segments must be removed from the PNR at least 24 hours before departure.
Inactive segments that are not cancelled 24 hours prior to departure are subject to cost
recovery fee charges by Air France and KLM.
In case of inactive segments remaining in the PNR within 24 hours before departure, a fixed
amount per segment per passenger is charged:
- EUR 15 (or equivalent in local currency) regardless the ticketing country.
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
(*) Inactive segments are notified to travel agents in their GDS/EDIFACT queues with a status:
HX = holding cancelled
NO = no action taken
UC = unable/flight closed
UN = unable/flight cancelled
WK = was confirmed
3.11 Inventory control circumvention
Air France and KLM manage inventory on an origin and destination (O&D) basis using a Point
of Commencement (PoC) logic. As a result, inventory that is available on a particular segment
for one O&D may not be available for other O&Ds including the same segment(s). Also the
same O&D could not be available in case of another PoC for another customer journey.
Bookings must at all times be made and updated from the availability display, per O&D in the
chronological order of each O&D. A full O&D availability is mandatory, regardless if the
reservation involves AF and/or KL flights only and/or includes codeshare or other airline flights.
The booking of a connecting O&D through separate local O&D’s (availability requested per
segment) shall also be considered as a circumvention of inventory steering.
Changing the Point of Commencement during the booking process, breaking the marriage of
segments, using segment availability or any other action with the intent to circumvent inventory
management controls (i.e. obtaining access to lower booking classes) are not allowed. Also it is
prohibited to obtain inventory for ticket sales which Air France and KLM do not intend to offer for
the customers’ actual O&D itinerary, even if the GDS or other booking channel does not block
In case the PoC is changed during the booking process to obtain access to lower subclasses an
ADM will be sent. A fixed amount per O&D is charged whatever the booking or ticketing
- EUR 400 (or equivalent in local currency) for Economy, Premium Economy & Premium
Comfort cabins
- EUR 1000 (or equivalent in local currency) for Business and La Première cabins.
In case the marriage of segment is broken or circumvented, in cases where local availability is
used to obtain access to lower subclasses of an O&D and in other cases where inventory
steering is circumvented an ADM will be sent. A fixed amount per O&D is charged whatever the
booking or ticketing country:
- EUR 600 (or equivalent in local currency) for Economy, Premium Economy & Premium
Comfort cabins
- EUR 1500 (or equivalent in local currency) for Business and La Première cabins.
The ticketing agent is accountable for malpractices even if the booking creation and/or updating
was done by another agent or sub agent.
3.12 Passive and Informative Segments
Passive segments are only permitted for ticketing when the passive booking is synchronized
with the airline’s system (same name, itinerary, booking class and number of passengers), for
groups or individual reservations which are split from groups. These passive segments must
match segments already existing in the airline reservation system.
These passive segments may only be entered for ticket issuance purposes. Passive segments
must not be cancelled after the issuance of the ticket to avoid cancellation of space.
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
When bookings are created in one GDS the ticketing must be done in the same GDS to avoid
passive segments. Passives are not permitted against active inventory bookings on the same
GDS or on a different GDS by the same travel agent. It is not permitted to create passive
segments when the Claim functionality is available.
It is not permitted to use passive segments, for example to reach GDS productivity target
usage, circumventing fare rules, administrative functions such as invoice or itinerary pricing.
The creation of a passive segment in a GDS/EDIFACT in relation to an existing NDC segment
is prohibited.
In case of unpermitted passive segments, a fixed amount per passenger and per segment is
- EUR15 (or equivalent in local currency).
3.13 Name Changes / Name Corrections
All reservations must have a valid first and last name (according to travel document e.g.
passport) at the time of booking.
Name changes are not permitted on reservations unless entered for the purpose of correcting a
misspelling of the passenger's name. There are specific cases where a full name change to
another passenger can occur in accordance with the “Name change/correction Policy” available
in Business Solutions.
An ADM of a fixed amount of EUR 270 (or equivalent in local currency) is charged if a name
change is done outside of the Name change Policy.
3.14 Waitlist segments
It is not permitted to create “duplicate” waitlist segments for the same flight for the same
customer in the same cabin within the same PNR or within different PNR’s.
It is not permitted to create and request a waitlist segment on a lower booking class for a
customer who has already a confirmed flight in the same cabin.
Best practice: Travel Agent should remove confirmed waitlist segments when the passenger no
longer intends to travel.
In case of unpermitted waitlist segments, a fixed amount per passenger and per segment is
- EUR 15 (or equivalent in local currency).
3.15 Ticket Time Limit Circumvention
A Ticket Time Limit (TTL) is set in the PNR to ensure that the issuance of the ticket is done in
time. It is not permitted to enter or keep a false, voided or refunded ticket number in the PNR to
pretend the issuance of a ticket took place. Neither is it permitted to add a waiver remark to
delay the required ticketing date for ineligible bookings.
Bookings cancelled by the airline due to the TTL being expired must be removed in the GDS by
the travel agent immediately.
In case of an unpermitted action leading to a more lenient Ticket Time Limit, or in case of a
pretended ticketing of the segment(s) of a passenger to keep inventory longer without actual
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
ticket, a fixed amount per segment and per passenger is charged whatever the booking or
ticketing country:
- EUR 50 (or equivalent in local currency) for Economy, Premium Economy & Premium Comfort
- EUR 125 (or equivalent in local currency) for Business & La Première cabins
3.16 Partial ticketing
In case the issuance of the ticket(s) can only be done for part of the journey or not all of the
passengers included in the booking, the booking should be split when the issuance of the ticket
for the rest of the journey or for the other passengers cannot be done before the Ticket Time
Limit as communicated in the booking is reached.
In case of segment left un-ticketed after the Ticket Time Limit has been reached due to the
partial ticketing of the PNR (either not all passengers or not all segments), a fixed amount per
segment and per passenger is charged whatever the booking or ticketing country:
- EUR 50 (or equivalent in local currency) for Economy, Premium Economy & Premium Comfort
- EUR 125 (or equivalent in local currency) for Business & La Première cabins
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
4 Ticketing Policy & ADMs amounts
The purpose of this section is to provide additional transparency and definition to the Air France
and KLM ticketing policy and the audit of sales. These checks are performed on AF(057) and
KL(074) documents, regardless the fare owner.
During the audit, issuances, reissuances, revalidations, and refunds of tickets and/or EMD’s are
checked covering all fare elements, regardless of whether a fare is quoted manually or
automatically, for published and negotiated programs. This includes Private, Corporate, Tour
Operators and Groups fares and conditions. Also surcharges, commissions, taxes and forms of
payments are checked. An ADM is due even if a ticket was cancelled, refunded or unused.
4.1 Fares and fare rules, surcharges, commissions and taxes
In case the fare, the fare rules, the surcharges, the commissions or the taxes are not respected,
an ADM reflecting the value difference between the applicable fare and the fare applied in same
cabin, is generated (except for ADMs based on fixed amounts).
When no fare reference is available, the ADM amount is calculated as follows:
On short and medium-haul flights, a fixed amount of EUR 320 (or equivalent in local
currency) is charged for Economy cabin or EUR 630 (or equivalent in local currency) for
Business cabin.
On long-haul flights, a fixed amount of EUR 1050 (or equivalent of local currency) is
charged for Economy cabin / Premium Economy & Comfort cabin or EUR 3150 (or
equivalent in local currency) for Business cabin / La Première cabin.
4.2 Contractual information missing or incorrectly reported on the ticket
An ADM with a fixed amount of EUR 55 (or equivalent in local currency) is issued when
contractual information is missing or is incorrectly reported on the ticket such as (but not limited
Corporate account code
Ticket Designator
Ticket number on EMD or EMD number on the ticket.
Fare Calculation box in case of reissue
4.3 Name Change on the ticket
All tickets must have a valid first and last name (according to travel document e.g. passport).
Name changes are not permitted on tickets unless entered for the purpose of correcting a
misspelling of the passenger's name. There are specific cases where a full name change to
another passenger can occur in accordance with the “Name change/correction Policy” available
in Business Solutions.
An ADM of a fixed amount of EUR 270 (or equivalent in local currency) is charged if a name
change is done outside of the Name change Policy.
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
4.4 Selection and Designation of Ticketing Airline / Flight application
A travel agent is responsible to check if a marketing carrier is permitted to be used as part of a
private or public fare. This pricing rule can be found in the category “flight application” of the
If a marketing carrier is not permitted as part of the fare, an ADM with Incorrect fare reason is
issued based on the first applicable public fare which allows travelling on the other airline
without the flight application restriction.
4.5 Selection and Designation of Ticketing Airline / Misplating
An ADM for Misplating reason is given when private fares of other airlines or any other fare for
which AF or KL plate is not allowed, are issued on AF or KL ticket stock. This pricing rule can
be found in the category “sales restriction” of the fare. Also, if, for any reason, the fare issued is
not available for AFKL (not distributed by the other airline) on the issuance date, the sales
restriction cannot be verified, and an ADM will be sent.
The amount raised is based on the IATA rule Revenue Accounting Manual (chapter A2
paragraph 3) and is:
The first applicable public fare of the other airline in the same cabin without plating
restrictions, or if nonexistent:
The first applicable public AF/KL or Partner fare in the same cabin (if no restriction on this
airline) or if non-existent:
On short and medium-haul a fixed amount of: EUR 320 (or equivalent in local
currency) is raised for Economy cabin or EUR 630 (or equivalent in local currency) for
Business cabin.
On long-haul a fixed amount of: EUR 1050 (or equivalent in local currency) is raised
for Economy cabin / Premium Economy & Comfort cabin or EUR 3150 (or equivalent
in local currency) for Business and La Première cabin.
4.6 Air France and KLM plates usage
Air France (057) or KLM (074) ticket stock (plate) may not be used for itineraries that do not
include at least one Air France (AF) or KLM (KL) flight segment. However, Air France (057) or
KLM (074) ticket stock can be used if itinerary includes only Sky Team partners flights, provided
there is an interline agreement and provided the fare allows ticketing on Air France (057) or
KLM (074) ticket stock in the category “flight application” of the fare.
It is permitted to issue fares of airlines for which AF or KL is GSA on Air France (057) or KLM
(074) respective ticket stock.
An updated list of GSA and interline agreements can be found in the GDS. Please contact the
GDS helpdesk for additional information and formats to access the list.
An ADM with a fixed amount of EUR 55 (or equivalent in local currency) is charged per ticket
when Air France (057) or KLM (074) plate is misused.
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
4.7 Wrong booking class on third party carrier / Routing not permitted on third party
In case of wrong booking class or routing not permitted, an ADM with Incorrect booking class or
Routing not permitted reason is raised based on the applicable fare for the sectors flown on the
third party carrier.
4.8 Incorrect / missing Baggage Allowance
per O&D and per direction
(ADM amount in EUR)
Incorrect baggage allowance of 1
additional piece vs. number of piece(s)
or missing baggage allowance
EUR 110* per additional
or for missing baggage
(* Or equivalent in local currency)
On certain destinations or programs the weight concept still applies. In that case, the standard
baggage allowance authorized is equal to one piece for the ADM calculation.
Eg. 1 ticket issued with baggage allowance of 50kg, if the free standard baggage allowance is
23kg, 1 ADM for 2 additional pieces will be issued.
4.9 Corporate fares
When the travel agent has been designated by a corporate account customer as the issuing
agency (s) under a corporate travel agreement or BlueBiz program, the travel agent shall
always apply the negotiated corporate rates of said corporate account customer exclusively to
eligible travelers or employees of the concerned corporate account customer and its affiliates,
or to passengers travelling on behalf of the corporate account customer on the condition that
the ticket is directly paid by the corporate account customer. The use of the section OSYYOIN +
reference should apply only to the corporate account customer beneficiary of the reference.
In the event of repeated violation concerning the terms and conditions of use of the fares
negotiated by a corporate account customer and in particular if the fares negotiated by a
corporate account customer is not applied exclusively to said corporate customer then an ADM
reflecting the value difference between the applicable fare and the fare applied, is generated.
4.10 Tour Operator fares
For passengers with special Tour Operator fare tickets but who are not eligible to travel with
these fares, an ADM is sent to the travel agent. As an example: if a Tour Operator fare is not
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
sold for leisure purpose, if it is sold without any additional services or if the minimum required
level of these services is not reached. Passengers must be able to present proof of purchase of
a land package (such as pre-paid voucher or paid receipt detailing the services purchased)
when requested by the airline personnel at the checking / boarding area. Air France and KLM
will not accept proof of eligibility after audit and ADM issuance. The voucher for additional
services has to be issued on letterhead paper or digitalized proof from the travel agent (or
affiliates) that issued the ticket.
An ADM is issued using fixed amounts:
Short-Haul flights in Economy cabin: EUR 110 (or equivalent in local currency) per ticket
and per passenger
Short-Haul flights in Business cabin: EUR 110 (or equivalent in local currency) per ticket
and per passenger
Medium-haul flights in Economy cabin: EUR 160 (or equivalent in local currency) per ticket
and per passenger
Medium-haul flights in Business cabin: EUR 530 (or equivalent in local currency) per ticket
and per passenger
Long-haul flights in Economy: EUR 270 (or equivalent in local currency) per ticket and per
Long-haul flights in Premium Economy & Comfort cabins: EUR 500 (or equivalent in local
currency) per ticket and per passenger
Long-haul flights in Business and La Première cabins: EUR 2 630 (or equivalent in local
currency) per ticket and per passenger.
4.11 Group Fares
Group tickets will have to comply with the group policies, procedures and group contract. In
case the fare, the surcharges, the commissions, and the taxes are not respected, an ADM
reflecting the value difference between the applicable amount and the amount applied, is
Except for ADMs based on fixed amounts:
Booking class, Routing and Issuing Travel Agency must be the same as in TIGRE,
otherwise an ADM of EUR 50 (or equivalent in local currency) for each ticket is charged.
The TIGRE file number and Amadeus PNR reference is mandatory in the Tourcode box.
An ADM of EUR 12 (or equivalent in local currency) is charged when this contractual
information is missing.
The dedicated group fare basis must be used for group fares, any other fare basis on a
group ticket will result in an ADM of EUR 12 (or equivalent in local currency) per ticket.
Groups contracted via AFKL group desks or group tools must be plated on Air France (057)
or KLM (074) ticket stock as specified in the group ticketing instructions available on
Business Solutions. An ADM of EUR 110 (or equivalent in local currency) for each ticket is
charged when plating on a different carrier ticket stock.
If there are less than 10 customers travelling in a group booking, an ADM is charged
retrospectively for each no-show customer. The number of passengers concerned is the
difference between 10 and the actual number of passengers travelling on the outbound
journey. The ADM is calculated according to the type of haul:
Short-Haul EUR 90 (or equivalent in local currency) per no-show passenger
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
Medium-haul EUR 370 (or equivalent in local currency) per no-show passenger
Long-haul EUR 690 (or equivalent in local currency) per no-show passenger
Cancellation fees for non-materialization of group travel are charged retrospectively by
ADM according to the group contract agreed and signed between the travel agent and Air
France and KLM.
4.12 Aftersales services
Tickets, including taxes on unused coupons, must be refunded only on customer’s or Airline’s
express request. The travel agent must promptly inform Airline about any legitimate refund
request from a customer. When the customer will no longer travel, the segments must be
cancelled. The PNR should be updated at the same time the refund of the ticket is done. All
refunds must always be processed no later than 7 days after the request. The refunds must be
done in accordance with the Airline’s tariffs, General Conditions of Carriage and any specific
written instructions communicated by the Airline to the travel agent. On Airline’s demand, the
travel agent must provide a proof of the request and payment of the refundable amount to
customer own account. In case no proof is provided within 7 days after the Airline’s request, the
travel agent will be liable for all extra costs incurred by the Airline.
For all refund requests, the travel agent must provide the correct information allowing Airline to
identify the person who paid for the ticket in case such person is not the passenger itself.
The travel agent acknowledges that, in all events, Airline is only responsible for the refund of its
own tickets and services, for the amounts set up by the Airline and/or corresponding to the
Airline’s tariffs. The travel agent will be solely responsible for the refund of any other amount the
agency invoices the customer.
In the event that the travel agent does not refund the full amount of the tickets including taxes
on unused coupons and relevant paid options, within 7 days after the customer’s or the Airline’s
request or in the event the travel agent does not provide proofs of refund to the Airline within 7
days after the Airline’s request, then a fixed amount is charged:
-EUR 630 (or equivalent in local currency)
4.13 Referring passengers to claim agencies
The travel agent shall not automatically refer customers to “claims agencies” in EU Regulation
261/2004 situations (e.g. flight irregularities such as flight delays and/or cancellations) unless:
(1) travel agent has first obtained formal consent from the customer, and
(2) travel agent has notified the customer that he/she can apply directly to the operating
carrier to obtain, if applicable, full compensation to which the customer may be entitled
to under EU Regulation 261/2004.
In the event the travel agent has automatically referred customers to “claims agencies” or to a
lawyer without first notifying the customer that he/she can apply directly to the operating carrier
to obtain, if applicable, full compensation to which the customer may be entitled to under EU
Regulation 261/2004, then an ADM of a fixed amount is issued to the agency:
- EUR 630 (or equivalent in local currency)
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
4.14 Use of Air France and KLM Merchant of Record (MOR)
According to IATA resolutions 890, 896, 812, 812a the use of the carriers’ Merchant of Record
(MOR) is only allowed for sales using Customer Cards on any offline (i.e. not an internet
transaction) sales channel.
For the avoidance of doubt the following is not allowed:
Use of carrier MOR for internet sales (IATA resolution 890 4.1.2)
Use of carrier MOR for any alternative payment method regardless of the sales channel
For the avoidance of doubt, "Customer Card" means a physical payment card or a one-time use
or fixed account number that is issued in the name of the customer purchasing passenger air
transportation or ancillary services and/or who is responsible for settling the transactions with
the entity that has issued the card, excluding a card issued in the name of the Agent or any
person acting on behalf of the Agent, or any of the Agent’s contracted subscribers.
In case of abusive use of the Carrier’s MOR, the Carrier will be entitled to charge the Travel
Agent all credit card costs resulting from the non-authorized, improper or abusive use of
Carrier’s MOR by the Travel Agent and obtain an appropriate compensation for such
misuse. Additionally, in the event of repeated malpractices, Carrier may take any measures to
prevent the continued unauthorized use of the MOR by withdrawing from the Travel Agent the
authority to issue Traffic Documents on the Carrier’s behalf in accordance with IATA Reso.824
The Travel Agent shall not apply credit card surcharges when issuing Carrier Fares in countries
where such surcharges are prohibited. However, in countries where such credit card
surcharges are allowable, the Travel Agent shall fully comply with the Payment Service
Directive (EU) 2015/2366 and all related national laws.
In case of violations Air France and KLM will raise an ADM of 5% of the amount paid with the
credit card to recover the credit card commission incurred on travel agent’s behalf.
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January 2024
5 ADM process
5.1 BSP & ASD
In compliance with IATA resolution 850m:
An ADM can process through BSP if issued within 9 months after the final travel date.
When the final travel date cannot be established, the expiry date of the document is used.
After this period payments will be settled between the travel agency and the airline directly.
In line with IATA Resolution 850m, Air France and KLM will send the ADM through BSP link
with no financial consequences during the latency period (15 days).
For BSP countries, disputes must only be done through BSP link. Attach any enclosures
through BSP link only as this will ensure an optimal service from Air France and KLM.
When making a dispute, provide a valid and clear justification at all times in the “Dispute
Reason” box. Responsible behaviour in case of ADMs disputes is required from both the
travel agency and the airline.
Please mention your contact details for an efficient handling by AF/KL.
Air France and KLM will reply to your dispute within 60 days (conform Resolution 850m)
giving a clear explanation of the acceptance or denial of the dispute.
Should Air France and KLM reject a dispute and the travel agent wants Air France and
KLM to re-investigate, the travel agent is requested to respond to Air France and KLM in
compliance with IATA resolution.
5.2 ARC
In line with ARC Debit Memo Best Practice, Air France and KLM will send/issue the ADM
through ARC Memo Manager.
Disputes must only be done through ARC Memo Manager. Agents are requested to attach
any additional documentation in ARC MM as this will ensure an optimal service from Air
France and KLM.
When disputing a debit memo, provide a valid and clear justification at all times in the
“Dispute Reason” box. Responsible behaviour in case of ADMs disputes is required from
both the travel agency and the airline.
Please mention your contact details for an efficient handling by Air France and KLM.
Air France and KLM will reply to your dispute within 60 days (conform Resolution 850m)
giving a clear explanation of the acceptance or denial of the dispute.
Travel Agents should dispute multiple times the same debit memo, only if new information
is provided to the dispute.
Should Air France and KLM reject all disputes and the travel agent reached the maximum
number of disputes, the travel agent could escalate the case to Air France and KLM by
using the e-mail addresses listed on the debit memos.
Contact Information
For ADM (Agent Debit Memo) and/or ACM (Agent Credit Memo) questions or issues, please
contact your local Air France and KLM Agent Support.
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
6 Glossary
Travelport + (1G Galileo / 1P Worldspan / 1V Apollo)
Agency Credit Memo
Agency Debit Memo
Automated Issuance Limit
Advance Seat Reservation
Billing and Settlement Plan
BT Fares
Bulk Tour Fares
Fare Note Category
(Carrier’s) Conditions of Carriage
Closed User Group
Traditional content in GDS
Electronic Miscellaneous Document S = Stand alone; A = Associated
End of Transaction
Electronic Ticket
Global Distribution System
General Sales Agent
International Air Transport Association
IT Fares
Inclusive Tour Fares
Intercontinental flights
Flights intra Europe + North Africa (Morocco, Algeria & Tunisia)
New Distribution Capability
Neutral Unit of Construction
Not Valid After
Not Valid Before
Other Airlines
Origin & Destination
NDC / Passenger name record
Passenger Name Record
Point of Commencement
Point of Sale
Reservation Booking Designator
Service Deadline Control
Domestic France = Flights intra France
Schedule Change (as per IATA definition)
Special Service Request
US Dollar
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
7 IATA Resolutions supporting this Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
All the defined terms in the below IATA Resolutions apply, even though Air France and KLM do
not always copy the entire resolution but sometimes only mentions salient features. Regarding
EMD rules, the IATA policies are not copied but they do apply.
IATA Resolution 824, 3.1 and 3.2 Passenger Sales Agency Agreements
“3.1 “the Agent is authorized to sell air passenger transportation on the services of the Carrier
and on the services of other air carriers as authorized by the Carrier. The sale of air
passenger transportation means all activities necessary to provide a passenger with a valid
contract of carriage including but not limited to the issuance of a valid Traffic Document and
the collection of monies therefore. The Agent is also authorized to sell such ancillary and other
services as the Carrier may authorize;”
3.2 “all services sold pursuant to this Agreement shall be sold on behalf of the Carrier and in
compliance with Carrier’s tariffs, conditions of carriage and the written instruction of the Carrier as
provided to the Agent. The Agent shall not in any way vary or modify the terms and conditions set
forth in any Traffic Document used for services provided by the Carrier, and the agent shall
complete these documents in the manner prescribed by the Carrier;
IATA Resolution 830a, Consequences of Violation of Ticketing Procedures
WHEREAS IATA Members are granting IATA Accredited Agents access to Standard Traffic
WHEREAS custody, completion, issue, reissue, validation and revalidation of such traffic
documents are governed by Members' tariffs and the ticketing procedures furnished to
Agents through ticketing systems, and as described in the Travel Agent's Handbook, copies
of which are furnished to Agents by the Agency Administrator and compliance with which is
mandatory upon each Agent under the terms of the Passenger Sales Agency Agreement; it is
1. all Agents be reminded that practices such as those listed herein, in other applicable
Resolutions, or in Carriers’ written instructions, but not limited thereto, violate the governing
conditions referred to above. They harm Members’ legitimate interests and can accordingly
result in action being taken under the provisions of the Sales Agency Rules and Passenger
Sales Agency Agreement. e.g. charging the Agent with the difference between the fare applied
and the fare applicable to the service in accordance with Members' tariffs.
a. entering incomplete or incorrect reservation entries, such as reservation booking
designators that do not correspond to the fare paid, or reservation requests on a
ticket/miscellaneous document (EMD), thereby allowing travel at less than the applicable
b. inaccurately completing or omitting to complete the ‘not valid before’ and/or ‘not valid after’
on a ticket contrary to the conditions governing the fare applied, thereby allowing travel at
less than the applicable fare,
c. issuing a ticket or EMD for more than one passenger, except as authorized for certain
d. changing or omitting the name of the passenger,
e. changing the “Form of Payment” or failing to carry this forward to the new ticket or EMD,
f. changing the currency of payment or failing to carry this forward to the new ticket or EMD,
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g. failing to carry forward all restrictions to the new ticket or EMD,
h. failing to obtain endorsement(s) from carriers when required,
i. failing to complete correctly theIssued in Exchange For” and/or the Original Issue”, and/or
failing to carry these forward to the new ticket or EMD,
j. failing to ensure that when conjunction tickets or EMDs are issued, the conjunction ticket or
EMD numbers are shown on all conjunction tickets or EMDs,
k. changing the point of origin,
l. issuing/selling a ticket with a fictitious point of origin or destination in order to undercut the
applicable fare (cross border selling)
m. failing to observe the applicable rules for Designation and Selection of Ticketing Airline
(Resolution 852) and/or designating transportation on such parties' services where a valid
interline agreement between the ticketing airline and the transporting party does not exist,
n. cancelling or amending a customer booking and/or Electronic Ticket without the express
permission of that customer,
o. deliberately making duplicate reservations for the same customer,
p. when reservations for a group are not confirmed, attempting to secure the required service
by requesting this in smaller numbers in individual transactions,
q. making reservation transactions without the specific request of a customer and/or,
r. making an amendment to a booking that has previously been issued as an e-ticket
without either revalidating or reissuing, as applicable, the original ticket to reflect the new
itinerary and/or,
s. voiding tickets without cancelling corresponding reservations and/or,
t. failing to split PNRs in cases where not all passengers included in the PNR are ticketed
u. failing to observe the prescribed minimum connecting times.
2. In this Resolution the use of the singular may also be taken to include the use of the
plural, where the text so permits and vice versa.
IATA Resolution 830d, 4. Contact details
“4. To be able to advise passengers of irregular flight operations and disruptions Members
and BSP Airlines need to have sufficient contact details available to proactively contact the
passengers. Consequently, at or before the time of ticketing, the Agent must actively ask
each passenger whether they wish to have their contact details (mobile number and/or
email) provided to airlines participating in the itinerary for the purposes of contact in an
operational disruption. The Agent must ensure that the Passenger's consent is obtained in
compliance with any data protection directives or regulations. Where the passenger wishes
to have their contact details provided to airlines participating in the itinerary, the Agent must
enter it in the Passenger Name Record (PNR), while maintaining compliance with all
applicable data protection directives and regulations. Contact details must be entered in the
PNR in compliance with the Resolutions governing reservations procedures. Members and
BSP Airlines shall use these contact details exclusively for the purpose of operational
notifications, e.g. flight cancellation, schedule change, etc. and shall not use the contact
details for sales & marketing purposes.
In the event the passenger exercises his or her right not to provide contact details it is
incumbent on the Agent to indicate that the passenger has declined to provide such details,
and to enter the refusal in the PNR to limit any statutory liability. In such a case, the Agent
must actively advise the passenger that they may not receive information from the airline
relating to flight cancellation or schedule changes (including delay in departure).”
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
January 2024
IATA Resolution 850m, Issue and Processing of Agency Debit Memos (ADMs)
WHEREAS the Passenger Agency Conference (“the Conference”) wishes to promote a
consistent and standard set of rules for BSP practices,
It is RESOLVED that the following principles will be followed,
1.1 The ADM serves to notify an Agent that unless there is some justification to the contrary,
the Agent owes the issuing BSP Airline the amount shown on the ADM for the reasons
1.2 ADMs are a legitimate accounting tool for use by all BSP Airlines to collect amounts or
make adjustments to Agent transactions in respect of the issuance and use of Standard Traffic
Documents issued by the Agent. Alternative uses of ADMs may exist provided that
consultation has taken place either individually with the Agent or a local representation of
Agents, or through the applicable local joint consultative forum.
1.3 ADMs are to be specific in their detail as to why a charge is being made.
1.4 BSPlink (ASD in China) is mandated as the exclusive medium through which ADMs must
be billed and disputed.
2.1 Airlines are required to publish, and maintain their ADM policies to agents through
BSPlink (ASD in China) which will send a system alert of any changes to ADM policies
to the Agents in advance of Implementation.
2.2 Where possible the model shown in the Attachment to this Resolution should be applied.
3.1 ADMs shall only be processed through the BSP if issued within nine months of the final
travel date. ADMs referring to refunds made by the Agent shall be processed through the BSP
if issued within nine months after such refund has been made by the Agent. Any debit action
initiated beyond this period must be handled directly between the BSP Airline and the Agent.
3.2 ADMs/ACMs may be processed through the BSP, for a maximum period of 30 days
following default action taken against an Agent in accordance with Resolution 812 Section 6.9
and 818g, Attachment ‘A’, Section 1.10.
4.1 Airlines should consider establishing policies for a minimum value for the issuance of a
single ADM. Where such minimum is established it may be published to Agents.
4.2 In principle ADMs should not be raised for the collection of administrative fees.
4.3 If there is an administrative cost associated with the raising of an ADM it should be
incorporated in the same ADM document raised for the adjustment. The inclusion of the
administration fee must be communicated to the agent.
4.4 Airlines shall provide Agents with the phone or fax number and email address of a person
or department that has knowledge of the concerned ADM.
4.4.1 Whenever applicable, a BSP Airline will provide the Related Document Number (RTDN)
to which the ADM relates in order for BSPLink (ASD for China) to display the values of Fare
Calculation Mode Indicator (FCMI) or Data Input Status Indicator for Refund transactions
4.5 An Agent shall have a maximum of 15 days in which to review and dispute an ADM prior
to its submission to BSP for processing.
4.6 All disputes are to be settled by the Airline within 60 days of receipt.
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January 2024
4.7 If it is established that an ADM is not valid it must be cancelled.
4.8 Where erroneously issued ADMs are withdrawn by BSP Airlines or refunded to the Agent,
any administration fee that may have been levied will be withdrawn, or refunded to the Agent.
In the event the ADM is withdrawn, or reduced due to any reason other than it was issued by
mistake, the application of an administration fee shall be agreed between the Agent and the
BSP Airline concerned.
4.9 Following consultation and if both parties agree a disputed ADM may be referred to the
Travel Agency Commissioner to be resolved pursuant to Resolution 820e Section 3.3.
4.10 An ADM that has been included in the BSP billing will be processed for payment. Any
subsequent dispute of such ADM must be dealt according to the applicable Passenger Sales
Agency Rules.
IATA Resolution 850m, Attachment ‘A’
1.1 ADMs are a legitimate accounting tool for use by all BSP Airlines and should only be used
to collect amounts or make adjustments to agent transactions in respect of the issuance and
use of Traffic Documents issued by or at the request of the Agent.
1.2 Alternative uses of ADMs may exist provided that consultation has taken place either
individually with the Agent or through the applicable local joint consultative forum
1.3 ADMs are to be specific in their detail as to why a charge is being made.
1.4 Any ADM relates to a specific transaction only, and may not be used to group unrelated
transactions together, however, more than one charge can be included on one ADM if the
reason for the charge is the same, and a detailed supporting list is provided with the ADM.
1.5 In the event an airline decides to apply a charge for under-collection or incorrect ticketing
on a sale or for the adjustment of a refund issued incorrectly or incorrectly calculated, such
charges must be clearly explained in the carriers published ADM policy or must be agreed
with Agents bilaterally in writing.
1.6 No more than one ADM should be raised in relation to the same original ticket issuance.
When more than one ADM is raised in relation to the same ticket it shall be specified for a
different adjustment to previous issues.
1.7 All rejected or disputed ADMs must be handled by BSP Airlines in a timely manner.
1.8 Except where otherwise agreed in a market ADMs should not be used to collect third party
costs not directly associated with the initial ticket issuance of a passenger journey.
1.9 When ADMs are raised for administration fees the level of such fees should be
commensurate with the cost of the work incurred.
1.10 When the Agent has used an automated pricing system to generate the total ticket price
including fare, tax, fees and charges specific to the purchase, and subsequent issuance, of a
ticket for a journey, and there has been absolutely no manipulation by the Agent, on such
price the ticketing systems shall send a Fare Calculation Mode Indicator (FCMI) to the airline,
in accordance with the provisions of IATA PSC Resolutions 722f and 722g, to identify
automated pricing has been used. The airline shall ensure the FCMI indicator is passed to an
Agent in the event an ADM is issued.
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January 2024
IATA Resolution 852 BSP Travel Agent’s Selection and Designation of Ticketing Airline
The following covers all types of tickets issued under the Billing and Settlement Plan conditions:
1. Method of Designating a Ticketing Airline
For issue of electronic tickets, designation of the ticketing airline shall be accomplished by
specifying to the ticketing system, either prior to or at the time of requesting generation of the
ticket(s), the identity of the airline selected.
2. Order of Priority in Selection of the Ticketing Airline
The selection of the ticketing airline shall be governed by the following strict order of priority,
which must be observed at all times:
2.1. The ticketing airline shall be any BSP Airline participating in the transportation, or a BSP
Airline acting as the General Sales Agent for any airline participating in any sector of the
transportation in the country of ticket issuance, provided that the selection of validating carrier
conforms to the requirements of the fare rules where applicable and subject to the existence
of a valid interline agreement between the ticketing airline and each transporting airline,
2.2. If none of the situations described in the previous paragraph apply, the ticketing airline
may be any other BSP Airline providing the agent has received written authorization from that
BSP Airline to issue Standard Traffic Documents for such transportation.
2.3. When an Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD) is issued, the ticketing airline shall
be any BSP Airline, or a BSP Airline acting as the General Sales Agent for the Airline,
delivering a service on the EMD. In the event that none of these situations apply, the
provisions in paragraph 2 shall apply.
IATA Resolution 890, Customer Card Sales Rules
3.3 In the event of the Agent accepting a type of Customer Card which is not accepted by the
Member/Airline whose Traffic Document has been issued, the Member/Airline will charge the
non-payment from the card company to the Agent by means of an Agency Debit Memo
(ADM), or, in non-BSP countries, a subsequent adjustment will be made by the Member
whose Traffic Document was issued.
3.4 This Resolution gives authority to accept only a Customer Card when using the card
acceptance merchant agreement of the Member/Airline to collect payment for the sale of
passenger air transportation and Ancillary Services. The Agent may not accept any other card
or payment method that uses the Member/Airline’s card acceptance merchant agreement,
including any card in the issued in the name of the Agent or any Person permitted to act on
behalf of the Agent, unless specifically authorized by such Member/Airline. A failure to comply
with the present paragraph 3.4 will be undertaken under the sole responsibility and liability of
the Agent toward the Member/Airline concerned.
IATA Resolution 049x, Fare Changes
“Resolved that:
1. Transportation shall be subject to the fares and charges in effect on the date on which
full payment is made, for travel on the specific dates and journey shown on the ticket
2. Provided no voluntary change is made to the originating flight, no increase in fare
effected through a change in fare level, a change in conditions governing the fare, or
Air France and KLM Booking, Ticketing & ADM Policy
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cancellation of the fare itself, shall apply
3. In the event of a voluntary change to the originating flight, the fares and charges for
the passenger's journey shall be recalculated in accordance with the fares and
charges in effect on the date on which the change is made and is reflected on the
4. in the event payment is made prior to confirmation of reservations for the originating
flight, the fares and charges for the passenger's journey shall be recalculated in
accordance with the fares and charges in effect on the date on which the confirmation is
IATA Resolutions related to EMDs which apply
Below are IATA resolutions related to EMD which apply to the Air France and KLM carriers.
725f Electronic Miscellaneous Document Airline
725g Electronic Miscellaneous Document Neutral
725h Electronic Miscellaneous Document Ground Handling